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 Buscador de Noticias
Norte Am. 27/03/2018

U.S.: Michigan seeks to prevent potato diseases

Michigan farmers with more than half a hectare of seed potatoes would face new requirements under a bill passed by the Michigan Senate and House: to plant only certified seed potatoes.

The intent is to reduce the possible spread of diseases that could have a major economic impact on the state’s agricultural industry.

Michigan ranks 9th among the states in potato production with 19,000 hectares planted, according to the Michigan Potato Industry Commission. The crop contributes $178 million annually to the state’s economy and Michigan potatoes fill one of every four bags of chips in the country. However, it is one of the only potato-producing states that doesn’t currently have a certified potato seed law.

Chris Long, a potato specialist at Michigan State University, said that virus accumulation in potato seed is detrimental to healthy crop production, and other bacterial and fungal pathogens including late blight are also of great concern. “The bill is a good thing. The certified seed law would better regulate seed that is at a higher risk to the potato industry and prevent it from ever being planted.”

Greatlakesecho.org quoted John Marker, owner and operator of Marker Farms in Elmira, who grows seed potatoes: “All the seeds my farm uses are certified. The bill is more directed towards the commercial growers in the state. When they are replanting potatoes, they do not go through an inspection process and could be replanting diseased potatoes.”

The bill is awaiting the governor’s signature.

Fuente: http://www.freshplaza.com/article/191647/U.S.-Michigan-seeks-to-prevent-potato-diseases

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