Brasil: Chuvas elevam preços nos atacados
Gaúchos abastecem atacado paulistano
Gaúchos abastecem atacado paulistano
El sugerido en ferias del agricultor es de ¢3.250 el kilo
The suggested price at farmers’ markets is ¢3,250 per kilo
Experts note that while potato prices in Ukraine remained relatively stable for two weeks, many producers are now forced to lower their prices this week.
The average market price has risen more than sharply in recent weeks.
The ZARC serves to delimit areas and times of the year with low climatic risk for crop development in Brazil. Onions were the first vegetable on the list.
Se establecieron 17 mil hectáreas en los valles de El Fuerte y Guasave que está iniciando cosecha para la industria.
17 thousand hectares were established in the valleys of El Fuerte and Guasave, which are beginning to harvest for the industry.