Martes 22 de Octubre de 2024
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 Buscador de Noticias
Europa 24/05/2023

Países Bajos: Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Harvest Deadline on Sandy Soils Problematic

Environmental regulations can significantly impact various industries, and the potato processing industry in the Netherlands is no exception.

For example, the upcoming rule mandating the harvest of potatoes grown on sandy soil by October 1, 2023, has raised concerns among potato processors regarding their capacity to produce enough potatoes for its frozen French Fries exported all over the world.The regulation’s objective is to prevent hazardous nitrates and nitrogen compounds from entering the groundwater by mandating planting of catch crops that rapidly develop intermediary plants that take up nitrogen.The government aims to cut emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia by 50% nationwide by 2030. The new regulations require potato farmers to harvest crops by October 1 to prevent hazardous nitrates and nitrogen compounds from entering the groundwater.According to the regulation, farmers must plant "catch crops" - rapidly developing intermediary plants that take up nitrogen - by then. However, the potato processing industry is concerned that the regulation will limit their capacity to process potatoes during harvest.Andries Middag, the director of the Association at the Potato Processing Industry (Vavi): "Many potatoes are still in the soil in September and October because they have to mature or they are no good for chips. We have a very efficient system at the moment, but there is no ability to process huge quantities simultaneously if harvests have to take place in September."According to the AD, the regulation will impact roughly half of the 80,000 hectares of land in the Netherlands used for potato farming. Approximately 3,000 potato farmers produce four billion kilograms of potatoes annually for processing.Farmers have criticized the practice of "growing by calendar" and argue that the government’s rules do not align with living more with nature and using fewer pesticides.Farmers believe that growing potatoes should depend on the weather or the water in the ground rather than relying on the calendar to dictate the harvesting period.Furthermore, many farmers need more storage sheds to keep their potatoes in, which presents another challenge for them. The Limburg Agriculture Organization LLTB labeled the regulation "unjust and unwise" and suggested measuring the nitrate level in each field’s soil rather than relying on the calendar.While the regulation would require some farmers to make adjustments, a spokesperson for the agriculture ministry explained that good water quality is a crucial objective. In addition, the regulation is necessary to ensure that hazardous nitrates and nitrogen compounds do not enter the groundwater, which can cause severe health problems.Thus, ensuring that the regulation is implemented and its objectives are met is essential. One potential solution to this problem could be to invest in technology that allows for the storage and preservation of potatoes.For example, investing in technology such as refrigerated storage sheds could enable farmers to store their potatoes during the harvest season and process them later when the capacity is available.It would allow farmers to comply with the regulation without compromising their ability to produce potatoes for processing. Another solution is for the government to incentivize farmers to adopt sustainable farming practices. For example, the government could provide subsidies to farmers who adopt sustainable farming practices such as crop rotation, which can reduce the need for pesticides and increase soil quality.The government could also provide funding for farmers to invest in technology that supports sustainable farming practices, such as precision agriculture technology.Moreover, the government could involve the potato processing industry in policy-making to develop an environmentally friendly regulation that considers the industry’s capacity to produce potatoes for processing.The government could collaborate with the industry to establish a regulation that considers the industry’s challenges while still achieving its environmental objectives. Nitrogen is a vital element that is widely used in various industries.It is a colorless, odorless gas in large quantities in the atmosphere. One of the primary uses of nitrogen is in producing fertilizers, which are essential for plant growth. Nitrogen is also used to produce nitric acid, nylon, dyes, and explosives.However, excessive use of nitrogen in agriculture can have negative environmental impacts. When applied to the soil in large quantities, nitrogen can leach into groundwater and surface water, causing pollution and eutrophication.Eutrophication occurs when the excessive nutrients in water lead to an overgrowth of aquatic plants, which can reduce the oxygen levels in the water and harm aquatic/marine life.SourcePotatoPro


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