Viernes 11 de Octubre de 2024
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 Buscador de Noticias
Europa 07/06/2023

Irlanda: Ireland rolls out €3.1 million Investment Aid Scheme for potato producers

Charlie McConalogue, Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, today declared the start of the 2023 Scheme of Investment.

Aid for the Seed Potato Sector and Chipping Potato Sector, which will expedite the issuing of grant approvals.

Aiming to bolster the Irish seed and chipping potato sectors, the scheme provides financial support towards the capital costs of specialized equipment and facilities for producers. The program, supported with a €3.1 million budget for 2023, is financed using Ireland’s allocation from the Brexit Adjustment Reserve Fund (BAR).

Minister McConalogue expressed his enthusiasm about the initiative, saying, “I’m thrilled to announce the distribution of approvals to scheme applicants. The robust interest we’ve seen underlines the confidence and dedication of Irish seed and chipping potato growers towards this industry’s future.

“The 2023 extension of the scheme to encompass Irish chipping potato growers affirms my unwavering commitment to this crucial industry’s growth.”

Senator Pippa Hackett, the Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity, who oversees horticulture, also voiced her support. “This initiative marks a significant stride in the sustained growth of the Irish seed and chipping potato industry,” she said.

“While the UK’s departure from the European Union posed numerous challenges for growers, this scheme has offered a valuable opportunity for Irish growers to tackle these hurdles, enabling capacity development and promoting the expansion of a sustainable, domestically-grown industry.”

Source: Government of Ireland. Original release here


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